Saturday, 23 June 2012

In the City of London

John couldn't believe his eyes when walking to work one morning he spotted a policeman giving a road user a road violation ticket. Near St Pauls, in the City of London.

The thing that makes this amusing is the policeman was mounted, and the road user was a cyclist!

That's just funny.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Safe Bridleway Riding 2012

Whilst I have been busy with my other blog:  things have been happening on the safe riding front.

New Safety for Riders and Cyclists initative in certain parts of the country will have a positive effect on our interaction with each other when we share our open spaces. This one featured in Your Horse this month highlights a partnership for safety between the Forestry Commission of Wales and The British Horse Society - well done!!!

All it takes is some breathing space, stopping, chatting and understanding.

I still have large groups of club cyclists tearing down my lane, but now they slow down, keep quiet and are generally respectful.  And of course the more pleasant encounters Tom & Henry have with these bikes, the happier they will be meeting them.