Best Practice

Horse and Cycle Safety

  • Take responsibility for what happens when you're out 
  • Be thoughtful and courteous 
  • Treat others with respect and understanding 
  • Most people are lovely, and will always want to do the right thing.

Please refer people to this web site for more information:

Thank you.

Suggested Best Practice


Be patient especially if a rider is having difficulty with her horse: The horse is frightened and is reacting to his fear, once he realises you're not going to hurt him, he'll calm, and you can carry on

Give a horse time and space and we'll all be safer

Please pass slowly one or two at a time keeping plenty of distance.

Horse Riders:

Always thank courteous cyclists; they're likely to be a bit scared too.

React quickly to diffuse your horses fear, keep him moving if you can, if he's planted himself in terror, give him time to think it through, and never, never, ever hit him, you'll just add to his fear.


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